Calm Clinic Review – The Largest Anxiety Database

“I had moments right before a panic attack hit where I felt like I was retreating into my brain or that my legs weren’t working properly. I was convinced I had a brain tumor. If it wasn’t for CalmClinic explaining the symptoms to me in detail, I don’t think I ever would have overcome my anxiety.” ~Anonymous

If you are someone that has struggled with anxiety, you have likely researched your symptoms or reviewed treatments online. And if you’re someone that has searched for something anxiety related online, you have likely come across CalmClinic.

CalmClinic is, by far, the largest anxiety database online. It is arguably the largest mental health database of any kind online. It has well over 500 pages, most of them over 1,000 words long with some as much as 5,000 words long, on topics as broad as generalized anxiety disorder to as specific as toe pain caused by anxiety.

There is nothing quite like Calm Clinic, which is why we took the time to explore the website thoroughly and create a CalmClinic review of our findings. Spoiler: CalmClinic is really good.

The Good, The Better, and The Great: Our CalmClinic Review

For those that visit directly from the homepage, it almost looks like just a regular anxiety blog. But if you go deeper into the rabbit hole, you’ll find that CalmClinic has so much more than that.

It is legitimately filled with some of the most in-depth, useful thoughts and topics available in the world of anxiety. It genuinely changed my understanding of the condition, and it helped me gain a deeper knowledge of not only my own anxiety symptoms, but how I viewed it in others as well.

  • The Basics

The best way to think of CalmClinic is like an anxiety resource to answer a question you may have about anxiety. For example, perhaps you have been struggling with nausea, and are worried you may be sick. You can go to CalmClinic and use the search feature to find the page on nausea, then read it to see if it describes you. It will also give you some strategies to help you get rid of it.

You can also learn more about treatments (the page on magnesium was especially interesting), or find out more about the condition itself – especially if you are new to the anxiety realm. It is a good way to study anxiety in a way that is easy to digest.

  • The Depth

The greatest strength of CalmClinic, however, has to be the depth and breadth of information. One of the things I learned about anxiety long ago is that it is the “great imitator.” It can mimic almost every other health disorder on the planet, albeit in smaller doses.

That’s why so many people with anxiety and panic ultimately develop health anxiety. Anxiety can cause common symptoms like sweating, chest pain, and lightheadedness, and it can cause rare and strange symptoms, like eye twitching, belching, trouble walking, and difficulty swallowing.

If you want to be truly impressed by the depth of CalmClinic, the best thing to do is visit the Symptoms page:

Indeed, I strongly encourage you to check out that page and scroll down. You’ll see hundreds of anxiety symptoms, under headers that indicate the body part of each condition. There are 7 different pages of just how anxiety affects the arms and hands alone.

Let me repeat: There are SEVEN DIFFERENT PAGES dedicated just to anxiety symptoms of the arms and hands.

Ever had tingling feet that you didn’t understand? They have a page on it.

Ever felt thirsty without knowing why? They have a page on it.

Ever pooped yellow stool and wondered if something was wrong? They have a page on it.

And not only do they have a page on it, but that page goes into great detail about each symptom, really helping you get a better understanding of how it works. It is very impressive.

They have these pages not only for symptoms, but also types of anxiety, causes of anxiety, treatments for anxiety, and several miscellaneous pages, like which celebrities really have anxiety and which probably do not. Want to know if coffee causes anxiety? They have a page on it. Want to know if acupuncture can cure anxiety? They have a page on it.

The depth of this site is fascinating. CalmClinic has so much information available for free that it is like reading several books on anxiety at once.

NOTE: Want to be truly impressed? Go to their anxiety guide and just start clicking. You’ll find so many pages to read that you’ll never wonder anything about anxiety again.

  • The Style

CalmClinic uses a basic, layman writing style specifically for those that just want to know more about anxiety, but do not want a Ph.D. to do it. It always starts with some background and detail into the symptom, cause, etc., and then moves forward with more detailed information about it. This makes it easy to understand for those that do not typically understand the broader articles found on most medical sites.

Visually, CalmClinic uses a large text that looks great on both mobile, desktop and tablet. The modern, clean style makes it even easier to navigate through information.

  • Free

Did we mention that it was free?

CalmClinic does offer a product, which is not part of this review. But all 500+ pages of the website are absolutely free. That means that someone can explore them as much as they want, whenever they want, and receive detailed descriptions of their most pressing anxiety questions.

There are no ads, either. Just free content, with a few links to their treatment product.

Criticisms and Areas of Improvement

It’s hard not to love CalmClinic, and social media tends to agree. A search for “CalmClinic” or “” on Twitter yields hundreds of positive reviews of individual pages, with people saying “Wow, this describes me exactly” and linking to numerous pages on the website. They also have an active and supportive Facebook community.

But there are some areas that they can improve.

While it is easy to navigate to the individual pages via the anxiety guide, the homepage doesn’t have the easiest options. The search feature is great, but it could benefit from a bit more prominence on the site, and maybe features that help people figure out how to use it effectively.

Some more graphs and images could be useful too, to help people visualize their problems rather than just read about them.

Finally, it would be great if there was a commenting option or forum, so that a community can build on CalmClinic itself.

That said, those are just nitpicks.

Overall Final Review Thoughts

I love CalmClinic. I love the amount of information it has available, I love the specificity, I love the way it is laid out, I love the writing style and formatting and design, and I love the tips. For a free site to have that much information on topics that basically no other website even covers, let alone in the level of detail, it is hard to find much fault with it. is simply a great site, and anyone that has anxiety should consider bookmarking it as their go-to resource for learning more about their anxiety symptoms.

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